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Information, Insights, Intelligence.
The Age of Research Intelligence.
ESGdatapoint Intelligence & Research Platform coming soon.
Powerful, multipurpose, all-in-one intelligence and insights solution that can be used to create financial value.
Information, Insights, Intelligence Coverage On:
Premium corporate data sources on broadest public and private companies across all sectors.
Developed and emerging market companies.
Large, medium, and small cap companies’ coverage.
Asset classes include Private Credit & Equity, Alternatives, Equities, and Fixed Income.
Insightful, trustworthy analysis that facilitates quicker and better decision-making.
Sector based identification and managing of financial risk and opportunities through analysis and research.
Improve company operational efficiencies and cost savings.
Accelerating climate and social action.
Meet regulatory reporting requirements.
Serving clients across knowledge intensive sectors.
Corporates (Health Care, Energy, Industrials, Information Technology, Real Estate, Communications to name a few).
Legal Firms.
Financial Institutions.
Consultancy & Advisory.